This strategic country has suffered several calamities during 2010: terroist attacks, destabilization by militants, massive floods, and political pressures from Western nations to help control militants attacking Afghanistan. However, Pakistan is also home to Peshwar and the Khyber Pass, Lahore, Sukkur, and the fabled Northwest Frontier. One musnÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__Ì_åÇí«ÌÎÌÊt judge countries by news reports, which tend to focus on negative activity, but on oneÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__Ì_åÇí«ÌÎÌÊs imagination. Pakistan is a lovely country to visit and enjoy. We have improved road classification information on this revised map, corrected a few (surprisingly few) spelling errors, and have noted the countryÌÎÌ_ÌÎ__Ì_åÇí«ÌÎÌÊs growing network of first-class motorways. Printed on paper, double-sided, with a new inset map of Karatchi.