Three, two, one, blast off! From icy worlds and hot, fiery giants to the biggest telescopes and latest spacecraft, this book about space covers more than 40 profiles of the planets, stars and celestial objects.
• Age-appropriate with large pictures and clear text.
• Pronunciation guide for each planet and astronomical object.
• Visual index arranged by type, so stars and planets can be found quickly.
• Fact files for each featured object give key information, like size, type of object and location in the universe.
Broken down by type, each object is presented in a clear, engaging way, with stunning images and bite-sized chunks of information. Young stargazers will be intrigued by the detailed NASA photography that brings the mysteries of outer space down to Earth! The handy pronunciation guide helps with tricky names and a visual index gives a quick overview of all the key objects in this reference book.
Published Nov 2021